Just before 7:00 AM, Khanh, Dr. Trang (Khanh's wife), and I departed Hue with a destination of Hong Ha. This is the same village where we attended the Rotary Club latrine project closing ceremony on January 26. The route, actually the old Ho Chi Minh Trail, leads to a very mountainous region. Visible is Hamburger Hill, which was the site of a May 13-20 battle between US/South Vietnamese Forces and North Vietnamese Forces. The drive is rather slow, with continuous sharp turns. The mountain scenery, though, is beautiful. If time permitted, I would have liked to do some hiking there. 


 Eventually we made it to Hong Ha, where students and faculty were waiting at the school. 


Road to Hong Ha

With Khanh at Hong Ha School

Dr. Trien and his staff were already set up and ready to begin eyeglass distribution. Recall that it was just five days prior that we first contacted Dr. Trien about the possibility of screening 300  Hong Ha children, selecting the 100 most in need, recording frame selection, and having eyeglasses produced and ready in just a few days. The guy was in Hong Ha with his staff and equipment the following morning. He's absolutely amazing.


Preparing for Distribution

As mentioned previously, I had purchased 200 toothbrushes and 100 large tubes of toothpaste to accompany the eyeglass distribution. Before getting started, Dr. Trang spoke to the assembled students regarding the importance of regular brushing and demonstrated the proper technique. 


Dr. Trang, Khanh's Wife, Explaining Dental Hygiene

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

When Dr. Trang wrapped up her presentation, we were ready to start distribution. The procedure was the same as before. The children lined up and, one by one, I would place the glasses on the student. I really enjoyed that, I must say. Then each student was given a chart exam to make certain the glasses were properly created. When that confirmation was complete, toothbrushes and toothpaste were handed to each child. From here on out, I will be promoting dental care, not candy!



Oh, Dr. Trien, as a bonus, gave exams and made glasses for the entire faculty.  He's a great optometrist and unselfish fellow. 


With Khanh, Dr. Trien's Staff, and Hong Ha School Faculty

Being a Saturday with no classes, the students departed upon receiving their glasses and dental supplies. And we left for Hue shortly after distribution was complete. I have really come to like that area and will certainly return. Maybe we'll provide chickens on the next trip. 

Thanks to you know who for a hugely successful Hong Ha Vision/Dental Program. Yes, YOU! We're making a difference! The people are so humble and appreciative. It's just plain heartwarming.

At my request, Khanh installed Skype on his phone and I purchased minimal calling credit. Using his phone, and with the mission completed, I contacted Alaska Airlines and moved my departure up from Feb 15 to Feb 6. I would be on my way back to Alaska in three days.



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