
Showing posts from January, 2024


  Since 2015, I have always made it a point to stop at Lac Thien Restaurant here in Hue. It was founded in 1965 by a deaf mute and is a landmark of sorts. They always remember and greet me with a hug. Lac Thien is known for the bottle openers that they make and give to patrons. With the Owner With the Owner, A Deaf Mute  In 2018 my daughter, granddaughter, and I went there and was told "Papa went to the moon." We walked upstairs to his altar to pay our respects. His daughters joined in making several bottle openers for us. I offered to pay, but they insisted that their papa would not approve of taking payment.   I really miss interacting with the owner, who had a great sense of humor. Owner with Granddaughter Today I walked from my hotel, across the Perfume River, and to the restaurant. I suppose that it's about a 25-minute jaunt if you stay right with it. One of the daughters rushed out to welcome me. Today She showed me a 1968 photo of the restaurant and surrounding are


 I arrived at my hotel in Dong Ha at 10 AM Thursday, checked into my room, and promptly fell asleep. But, it was a brief snooze, as Nhung of D.O.V.E. Fund would be picking me up promptly at 1:30 PM.  We would drive about 25 minutes north to the village of Nhi Ha, where I would be visiting the school. During the war, my unit fought a 16-day meat-grinder battle at that location. In fact, the school is located right in what was then our entrenched position. It's a sobering place for me. NVA Artillery Pounding Our Position- Jones Creek in Foreground   Airstrikes- From My Foxhole  May 3 May 6   A Co Very Heavy Casualties But, that was then and this is now. And my focus is helping the children of that village. Helping and healing. On arrival, the children were assembled and ready.    As planned, Nhung had positioned the items to be distributed at the school in advance, so we were all ready to go. But, first there were beautiful singing performances, individually, by three students. They


On Wednesday I accompanied Khanh and Tam to rural, mountainous Hong Ha, where a Rotary Club project closing ceremony was scheduled. The Rotary had sponsored the building of 65 latrines for residents of this tiny ethnic minority village. There were brief talks by project sponsors and community leaders. Hong Ha is a 1 1/2-hour winding, uphill drive from Hue. Khanh 2nd from Left, Tam 3rd. I like Hong Ha, a friendly little village with basic, simple ways.    Laundry Day In Hong Ha The latrines, to me, are enhanced outhouses. They have a block septic tank underneath and a drain pipe at ground level. There is a pipe protruding from the latrine wall to which a water line can be connected.    Tam, Khanh, and Proud Latrine Owner This mountainous region of A Luoi, which was the scene of much fighting during the war, is really very beautiful.   Following the ceremony and latrine tour, we joined community leaders for a amazing feast of local dishes. They use an ancient traditional method of cooki

Jan 26 2:30 PM (Vietnam) CHICKENS FOR 20 FAMILIES (UPDATE)

Through your generous contributions and with the assistance of Khanh of Hearts for Hue, we delivered 1,000 21-day-old chickens to 20 very poor families in rural Huong Tra village. It was a cool, rainy day, which is better for the chickens than sun and heat. With residual funds from a flood-relief program, we also distributed blankets to each family. And, with the chicken delivery being late, I walked down the road to purchase treats for everyone patiently waiting.  As with the vision projects, a representative of the Vietnam Women's Union was present and helping. They're following me around! Below in the checkered sweater. The chickens represent a source of food and income for the recipients. Each family received 50 chickens, a waterer, a feeder, and a 50# bag of starter feed. This is a first for the feed.  I am told that, with the price of chickens down, the company tossed in the feed at no charge. How about that?! You've likely seen Mr. Thuong, below, as we've bee